Neck Pain

Neck Pain Treatment for Tech Life Troubles

Posture matters. It's not just about how you stand, the way you walk, or how you look at the dinner table.

Spending a lot of time in front of a screen is a blessing and a curse. Neck pain from staring down at a phone is part of almost everyone's life, and your spine can suffer from the stress.


Your neck, back, shoulders, waist, and even elbows often end up worse off due to the way you use your tech. The skilled chiropractic professionals at Stillwell Family Chiropractic Center are ready to answer your questions.

Here are a few details regarding posture and tech challenges you may face, along with tips that you can do yourself and ways a chiropractor in the Kent area can help.

What Can a Chiropractor Near Me Do About My Tech Pain?

When you're staring at a phone, looking down constantly leads to discomfort after a while. It's not a natural resting position, leading to muscle tension. There's additional stress on the cervical spine and your back muscles at the same time, which combines to make a painful neck situation. Depending on how you hold your mobile devices, you may be tensing your back, neck, and shoulder regions.

Mobile devices aren't the only culprit. Sitting at a computer leads to the same problem, simply because sitting for extended periods of time isn't what the human body is designed to deal with.

To make matters worse, most people don't have an ideal seating position. They must look too high or low to see their screen comfortably, which also involves poor neck and back positions. Additional stress is placed on elbows and wrists if your wrists dip or arch to type efficiently.

Getting Neck Pain Treatment and Solving Tech Life Comfort Troubles

A chiropractor can help you at every step of your tech-based pain problems. They can help you find relief with chiropractic techniques such as chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, exercise counseling, and wellness planning.

They can also help you plan an office or work setting that is better for your health. Part of wellness planning can involve figuring out how you sit at a workstation, where your accessories are placed, the type of chair you use, options such as standing desks, and mounts for mobile devices.

Neck Pain Solutions from Our Chiropractor

Contact the Stillwell Family Chiropractic Center in the Kent area to get the neck pain treatment you need as well as advice on posture and ergonomic work setups to keep you in the game. Call (253) 839-2225 for an appointment today.


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